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Mamluk Secondary Bibliography
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1. Elbendary, Amina. "The Sultan, The Tyrant, and The Hero: Changing Medieval Perceptions of al-Ẓāhir Baybars." Mamlūk Studies Review 5, (2001): 141-157.
Notes: Online at:
Subjects: Individuals--Baybars/Historiography
2. Elbendary, Amina. Review of al-Imām Ibn Kathīr: Sīratuh - wa-Muʾallafātuh - wa-Manhajuh fī Kitābat al-Tārīkh, by Masʿūd al-Raḥmān Khān al-Nadwī. Mamlūk Studies Review 6, (2002): 237-239.
Subjects: Scholarship/Individuals--Ibn Kathir
3. Elbendary, Amina. "The historiography of protest in late Mamluk and early Ottoman Egypt and Syria." International Institute of Asian Studies Newsletter 43, (Spring 2007): p. 9.
Subjects: Historiography
4. Elbendary, Amina, Between Riots and Negotiations. Urban Protest in Late Medieval Egypt and Syria. 1. Edited by Conermann, Stephan. 24 p.. Berlin: EB Verlag, 2012.
Series: Ulrich Haarmann Memorial Lecture, 3
Subjects: Social Relations
5. Elbendary, Amina, Crowds and Sultans: Urban Protests in Late Medieval Egypt and Syria. 1. 240 pp.. Cairo: AUC Press, 2015.
Subjects: Social relations/Politics



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